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Writer's pictureKim Gameroz

Starting the School Year Intentionally - Becoming the B.I.S.O.N.

You've seen and heard our trademark phrase, B.I.S.O.N. - Be Intentional So Others Notice, everywhere - but what does it really mean? And what does it mean to be intentional as teachers, administrators, or district leaders?

When adversity strikes, when that BIG BEHAVIOR hits, when the admin decisions just don't make any sense - we don't flee. We don't point fingers or place blame.


We embrace it, we work through it, and we come out as the strongest version of ourselves!


Because I knew that if I tried to run the other way, I'd only be running in circles, never actually moving past the storm itself. But by leaning into it, embracing it head-on - yeah, it was hard - but eventually, the storm would pass. And you better believe I came out the other side a lot stronger than I went in!

So What Does This Look Like For Educators?

As educators, adopting the B.I.S.O.N. mentality can have a profound impact on our classrooms and school communities. By being intentional in our teaching practices, communication, and interactions, we can create an environment that fosters growth, connection, and success.

Some ways to apply the BISON mentality in education include:

  1. Intentional teaching strategies: Implement purposeful social emotional learning practices throughout the day, rather than treating SEL as an isolated activity.

  2. Consistent communication: Engage in open, honest dialogue with students, colleagues, and families to build trust and understanding.

  3. Modeling behavior: Demonstrate the attitudes and actions you wish to see in your students, leading by example.

When we embrace the BISON mentality, others take notice. By being intentional in our actions and interactions, we can create positive change in ourselves and those around us.

Intentional Visual

The BISON mentality extends beyond the classroom, applying to leadership roles and parenting as well. Leaders who are intentional in their decision-making, communication, and support of their team members can create a culture of trust, innovation, and success. Parents who are intentional in their interactions, guidance, and love for their children can foster resilience, confidence, and happiness.

Embrace the B.I.S.O.N. Mentality - Be Intentional So Others Notice, and watch as your impact ripples through your classroom, your school, and your community.

You can learn more about the B.I.S.O.N. Mentality and more by checking out my podcast interview with Joshua Stamper of Aspire to Lead!

Be Intentional So Others Notice


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Kim Gameroz is a change agent for schools and districts who seek to revolutionize classrooms by taking on a systematic approach to teaching social and emotional skills.

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