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The Blog

Empowering Educators

Writer's picture: Kim GamerozKim Gameroz

It's been only a few days since I've been back from California visiting more schools and supporting teachers and students, and I only have a few more days at home before I fly back out and do it all over again. And let me tell you, I am exhausted.

But THIS work, this is the work that I was born to do. And I know this because when I'm there, in the moment, speaking with teachers, guiding them in their work, supporting them in their classrooms, modeling just how incredible their classrooms can be, I'm living my dream.

This last trip I was referred to as, "The Supernanny for teachers," "Mary Poppins," and "The greatest gift to teachers in 2022," and I have to tell you, it's THESE words that continue to propel me to do more. Because I know that there is a big world out there that needs me, that needs the inspiration that I can give, and that needs someone who understands the work like I do.

And it's not just about being knowledgable about Social Emotional Learning, or behaviors, or curriculum, or standards...It's about being a TEACHER FOR THE TEACHERS. It's about getting into their brains, their classrooms, the behaviors and expectations that they have for their students, and then showing them, guiding them, supporting them...and then are you ready????'s the magic word....EMPOWERING them to do the work on their own.

You see, over the past two weeks, I had the biggest aha moment I've had so far in my coaching career. It's not just about ME going into classrooms and taking over, showing teachers what to do, how easy it gets to be, and how calm it can feel...It's about ME empowering THEM to figure out HOW to do it on their own, how they can be successful, and how they can support ONE ANOTHER on each other's journey.

I was sitting down this morning planning out my next few posts on know, what entrepreneurs do in their "spare time," and I was going to go searching for videos of ME while I was working in the over 25 classrooms that I was in last week. And I couldn't find any. The teachers had recorded ME, and obviously those recordings were on THEIR phones.

So I was about to reach out to one of the teachers and ask her for some footage, when all of a sudden it dawned on me. This post wasn't about ME, it was about THEM. It was about the amazing work that THEY were doing. It was about the freaking PHENOMENAL team of Champions that they've created. It's about their FEARLESSNESS and excitement to try something new. It's about them all grabbing onto these new strategies and systems by the horns and diving head first into their work.

I have never seen so many teachers instantly put something new into action. I mean, I must have received over 30 messages over 14 days from teachers across this district who had gone to work the next day after hearing me speak, and they were able to instantly put things into action AND feel a complete transformation in their classrooms in less than 24 hours. I mean, talk about IMPACT.

So as I reflect on this work, this journey that I'M on, and the steps that I will take to make my dream even more impactful, even more inspirational, even more systematic...Let me ask you this....

What's stopping YOU from living like THIS?

Check out this VIDEO and see what I mean. This could be YOU.



Kim Gameroz is a change agent for schools and districts who seek to revolutionize classrooms by taking on a systematic approach to teaching social and emotional skills.

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